The Trevor Collins Foundation aims to save lives by:
Raising awareness of bowel cancer
To make people aware that FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) tests are not 100% failsafe. Whilst these are, in the meantime, better than nothing, a virtual colonoscopy or a colonoscpy are more reliable.
FOB tests are available through the NHS for anyone over 60 years of age, and we are working with the NHS to increase the uptake of this very basic procedure.
Early diagnosis through effective screening will in the long term reduce the costs of post operative and palliative care.
More importantly, early diagnosis will greatly increase the possibility of survival. Bowel cancer is preventable, treatable and curable.
This could save lives and NHS resources in the long term
Making funding available for medication not on the NHS
To locate financial sponsors for patients who need contributions to fund expensive life prolonging drugs that are not yet approved by NICE (The National Institute of Clinical Excellence). At present, these medicines have limited availability through the NHS. We need to ensure the availability of treatment on the basis of clinical need and not the ability to pay.
Our support services for bowel cancer
We aim to ‘Bring blue skies to bowel cancer’ not only by encouraging blue sky thinking but also by offering support and counselling to patients and families who are experiencing bowel cancer in order to help them through the emotional issues of such traumatic times.
Contact Annie Gerald-Webb
Phone: 01494 786827